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Don't waste time building amateur projects

Go pro with Coder Foundry

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BuildĀ Enterprise-Grade Projects

Forget Tic-Tac-Toe or meme generators. You're going to build enterprise-level apps using the same tools used in the industry.

Learn From Industry Experts

These aren't just some guys from YouTube. Our Instructors have over 60 years of combined real industry experience and have taught hundreds of students how to code.

This is the A-Team of Instructors!

Front-end, Back-end, Full-stack?

Whether you want to be a front-end, back-end, or full-stack developer you can learn it all with Coder Foundry.

Join the Hottest Job Market

There's a growing defecit between the number of developers and the number of job openings for those developers.

Between 2020 and 2030 there will be an estimated 189,200 openings for software devs each year, in the US alone, and not enough graduates to fill those positions.

Don't just take our word for it, read about it in Forbes


Ā Hours ofĀ courseĀ content


High quality courses


Of successful developers


The Complete .NET Coding Bootcamp Course

Get the complete curriculum and details of the .NET Coding Bootcamp course

Get The Details

.NET 6 With MVC Course

Get the complete curriculum and details of the .NET 6 with MVC course

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"From the beginning you immediately start learning necessary building blocks to any web development project.

The early focus on getting a professional portfolio built to share with recruiters is possibly the most unique part of this course. Talking with local hopeful developers in my area revealed I’m the only one with a portfolio website, all thanks to Coder Foundry!"

- Shawn

"I have not seen this level of content presented, like this, with a comprehensive roadmap, and skilled teaching.

I am primarily a self-taught developer, with some Frontend development experience under my belt. I have taken a lot of courses, be it on Udemy, PluralSight, Frontend Masters, Scrimba,... The comprehensive roadmap is very important. Most courses out there teach you bits and pieces, but not a holistic learning experience, taking you from nothing to a full-stack developer. I genuinely wish Coder Foundry had started this learning platform earlier."

- Austin

Self Paced

  • Full accessĀ subscriptionĀ to all content (currently over 150 hours of video + written content) or purchase individual courses
  • StartĀ today!!
  • Community support viaĀ Discord
  • 5-day money-back guaranteeĀ - from the date of initial purchase (not including re-subscription)
  • No long term contract - cancel anytime
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Virtual - Instructor Led

  • Virtually attend class five days a week (Monday - Friday) 10AM-6PM Eastern using Microsoft Teams
  • Daily stand-up sessions and/or lectures with Coder Foundry instruction staff
  • Private one-on-one feedback from instruction staff
  • Join a Cohort of other virtual students
  • Small class sizes. 1-10 student-to-instructor ratio
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